Friday 16 August 2013

The Book

One thing that families do, when adopting from Russia, is make a photo book so the child can see pictures of the new Mama and Papa in between visits. We're told that the wonderful Nannies often read these to the children, so we certainly wanted to do it!

Some people use a small photo album, and some use a fabric photo album. There is no limit to the imagination that can go into them.

We took some time making them, and decided to use a printing service. With the help of a a Russian friend, E, we managed to get he book properly translated. Once we receive it in the male we will use a few stickers to add some texture to it (maybe on kitty pages).

We're thrilled with how it turned out, and decided we would share.

Warning: Many pics to follow!


  1. This is truly beautiful, Pam and Adam. It makes me really weepy.

  2. Um wow!!! What a gorgeous book. I think you get the best ever adoption book award. Phenomenal. Well done my friend!!! I hope you ordered one as a back up to keep at home. Awesome!!!

    1. Thanks Candice! That means a lot coming from an Adoptive Mom, and from you :)

      We ordered 2 just to be safe. Good tip!

  3. I agree with Candice! What a beautiful idea. Hope you get to use it soon!


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