Saturday 31 August 2013

A Quick Update

It's been awhile since we've updated the blog.

Nothing has changed yet; we're still waiting.

The extra paperwork that was requested is at the Consulate of the Russian Federation in Ottawa waiting for processing. Once that is back we expect another 3 weeks before it makes it to the Ministry of Education in Russia.

We had thought we would be travelling right now (or preparing to), but unfortunately that hasn't happened.

I can't count the number of times we check our phones or emails during the day. I tend to loose count after 30 (no joke). We aren't sure how we will get the news, but we know it will come.

It's hard, waiting for someone else to make you a family, We saw little Halloween costumes in the store recently and it made us sad that another holiday season is approaching and we will still be waiting to be parents.

So as August ends, we start another month of hoping and wishing and waiting.

Let's hope September is more fruitful!

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