Friday 7 December 2012

Another Week, another series of medical appointments. Eyes and ears checked, heading through the process. It's looking like we won't have our homestudy done until post-holidays, which is a bit later than we hoped, but we're still moving slowly along. We've sent in our first round of forms/payments to our agency while we wait on finalizing things here.

Our cats are thrilled to be in the Christmas spirit - here's the oldest one on his Christmas-themed cat blanket:

That's one of the less grumpy pictures...

The younger one likes the Christmas trees, here looking at our little advent tree:

Pam and I have made it a tradition to alternate days on the advent calendar (our little advent house is big enough to hold small candies and little gifts), which we will share with our child some day. None of those increasingly terrible advent chocolates for us....I swear they didn't used to be so bad.

We're also starting slow on learning some Russian.  We've enjoyed listening to some learn Russian audio tracks in the car, trying with mixed success repeating back words and sounds (I really need to roll my "r"...never could figure it out for French, but maybe I can fake it well enough). We bought a book, the cover of which is hopefully not offensive to actual Russians:

Should be interesting. Before we go over, I want to have "Russian Days" at home, where we try to communicate only in Russian. I anticipate using How do you say... a lot, is that cheating? Also,"How do you say" turns out to be a very awkward phrase in Russian, so it will be good practice.


  1. I have loads of actual Russian clients. Let me know what you want to learn and I can ask. Also, my Polish neighbours speak Russian fluently. All I know how to say is: look (smitri), say it again (skah-zhay snow-vah), and river (ruka). I have been told that I have a good rolled /r/ so I can offer lessons.

    We bought some scratch and win lotto tickets (very lucky day, so I hoped to continue my streak), and we decided that if we won we would fly you out for Christmas and then donate some money. Alas, we won $3! Fewer options with that.

  2. Well, the main thing we want to learn is some comforting things to say to a child, and hopefully to understand some similar things as well. DO your Russian clients know if attempts at speaking Russian in Russia are taken well? We don't want to insult anyone, but would like to try too.

  3. I will ask.


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