Tuesday 27 November 2012

A Blast From The Past

Do you remember this?!?!?!?

Cabbage Patch Dolls!

My sister and I both had them, and I can't remember what hers looked like or what mine looked like. I keep looking at pictures of them online (from the 1980's) and I keep thinking "That one was mine!" "No, it's THAT one!"

One thing I do remember is this: my next door neighbour had just got one for Christmas. (Remember? It was all the rage to adopt a CB Kid!) And the best part was finding out what it was! We didn't know the gender - we had to check the birth certificate!

So we put the birth certificate in a bowl of water, so the film would dissolve, and then we found out the gender - it was a _________ (I can't even remember hers!). I thought the gender reveal was amazing!

So I decided to take a look at the Cabbage Patch Kids website.

At first, I wasn't sure what to think. It takes such grown-up material and makes it cute. It makes an orphanage seem like a fun, happy place. 

And then I realized I was looking through bitter, infertility glasses. They tend to make a person cynical.

So I looked again. And I found a whole new perspective. Perhaps I chose a whole new perspective.

It puts a wonderful spin on adoption. It also tries to make it "cute" enough to appeal to kids. That's right Boys and Girls - adoption is cool.

And finally:


1 comment:

  1. It is wonderful when we are able to see things through a child's eyes. :)

    Do you remember Magic Nursery Dolls? Those ones had a birth certificate you had to "reveal" in water. Google 'em! I still have mine.


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