Wednesday 25 September 2013

Confusion . . . Awaiting Some Clarification

Yesterday hit us hard. Very, very hard.

We received a lot of support over Facebook. Thank you very much everyone.

So now for an update. Please keep in mind that we try to be as objective as possible when we share these things, but it's really, really hard right now.

The information we shared yesterday is very real. The news media in Europe is sharing this story. We first caught wind of it last week when J sent us this story from Spain:

There are 4 adoption agencies in Canada that deal with Russia:
  1. Caring Homes For Orphan Children (aka CHOC)
  3. Adoption Horizons (aka AH)
  4. Terres Des Hommes Ontario (aka TDH)

We have heard heard from 3 of them. One being our agency, 2 through contacts at the others.

CHOC says they are aware of the rumours but that they are not yet law, despite the Russian Government officials making public statements. They state that the expect some regions may cease adoption proceedings until more information is known. As it stands, they are still moving forward until a bill is signed.

CHOICES says they are business as usual.

AH says that can't comment at this time, even to their clients, as they have upcoming court cases and will know more after that.

Further to this, 2 of the 4 agencies are either closed or down to part time staff for a variety of reasons for the next 2-3 weeks. It is making it difficult for their clients to get in touch with them and for the agency to be supportive to their clients.

So what does this mean?

Well, it means that changes are likely coming, and government officials from Russia are making public statements to the news media about these changes, but no changes have yet legally occurred.

What it means for us?

In short, we have no idea.

If we listen to the public statements by Russian officials then the adoption is over.
If we listen to the agency then it means we may still get a referral, but there is no guarantee that we could finalize an adoption.

At the moment, we are in limbo. Hopefully the next few days will provide some sort of clarity.

Regardless, our hearts are broken as are our spirits.

We will keep everyone updated.


  1. thanks for the info. can't believe it. we've only been home just over 2 months. we are sooo lucky.

    1. I'm glad to hear you made it home though. Thank you for your support.


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