Monday 15 April 2013

Another Day, Another Memory

Last year, Adam and I disclosed our fertility issues, via Facebook, to our world. Since then, we have had some people show immense amounts of support, and others have disappeared and not said a word.

After we shared our struggles, it became easier to bare the weight of the grief of the trials and losses we have endured. We no longer had to hide away in pain. Instead we were able to recognize and grieve openly for our losses.

Our openness lead others to confide in us the struggles and pain they have had to endure, and a beautiful community of support was created. I long for the day that everyone will be able to grieve openly, and have their pain recognized, not minimized. Validated, not hidden in whispers.

Adam and I have lost 3 pregnancies, and today is the due date of the third.

Lest we forget.

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