Monday 28 January 2013

Finally . . . Some Good News!

Well, we have some progress to share. It's been a good day here!

1) Our home study is done! We received a call this morning from the Social Worker to come in and sign it (and pay the balance) tomorrow.

Once that's done a draft will be sent to the agency for review (to see if things need to be added or re-worded), then final copy will go to them (with a hefty fee) while the study makes it way through the province for approval. From what we're told, approval can take a few weeks.

However, the region we will be registered will be largely based on our home study. So hopefully we'll know soon where we're going!

2) We got our Part 1 Approval from Citizenship and Immigration Canada! It arrived in the mail today - hooray! This is FANTASTIC! The approval is good for 2 years.

3) Canadian Parliament sat today, for the first time since Russia instituted the American adoption ban. And nothing bad has come of it! This blew away a few expectations, but it's good! Things could still change, and the bill could be attached to another motion that passes. But for right now, today, we're okay.

We're still waiting to hear about what is going on with The Duma vote in Russia regarding banning all international adoptions. No one can seem to find any information about it right now. We're a little nervous/scared/terrified right now, but we finally have some good news so we're going to focus on that.

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Here's a fun photo of Adam. It was taken on our 1st Wedding Anniversary watching the Las Vegas 51's play - Adam had a great time!


  1. Yay! That's fantastic news!! I have Dory from Nemo in my head "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..." :)

  2. Good news is good news....keep moving forward 😊 Pam


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