In our journey so far, there are times when we couldn't seem to stop for a moment to catch our breath, and others when we have been watching the clock move at a snail's pace.
Truth be told, thus far our journey hasn't been that long. We started in early October and our file is in Russia now. It's been 9 months.
Hmm. 9 months.
It feels like a blink in time while feeling as though the process is taking forever.
Right now we are waiting to have our file translated, notarized and registered. That's it - then we wait. Our file and our parenthood is entrusted to another land on the near opposite side of the globe, where we haven't been and know no one.
So while we wait we find ourselves in a sort of limbo. We don't have a gender, travel date or age so we are hard pressed to do much more to prepare to welcome a child into our home. But my oh my do we want something to do.
Idle hands are starting to wring and twiddle their thumbs!
We've read books, purchased furniture, began to re-organize the majority of our belongings and have bought as many toys as we dare.
But I feel restless. I feel like I'm waiting to jump into action at a moment's notice but have no idea when that will be or what I'll need to do.
We've begun thinking about our travel and making sure we have what we will need (passport holder, safe bag to carry belongings in to prevent pick-pockets in crowded areas, toys we can use to assess motor skills and even a hand-held portable air conditioner for the very long trip on the plane.
I've looked at various routes to and from Vladivostok. I've checked into multiple airline luggage requirements and spent a good number of hours being concerned about being gluten free while in Russia (gluten isn't something that's openly identified there).
I feel the need to do something, but I don't know what. I want to prepare somehow but I'm lacking inspiration.
I feel the need to fill the time between now and (seemingly) forever with tasks of some sort.
. . . And in writing this I just realized what I've been trying to say and what I feel . . .
I feel the need to nest.
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